Journal of Nursing Education- Aims& Scopes
Aim & Scopes

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Aims and Scope:

This journal seeks articles related to the nursing education and its application in clinic. Its scope will include the following topics:

  1. Nursing Education Promotion toward clinical skills improvement
  2. Introducing new methods of nursing education and its application in clinical
  3. Evidence based nursing education
  4. Comparing various methods of nursing education
  5. nursing education in clinical
  6. Clinical nursing education
  7. Research in nursing education and its application in clinic
  8. Problem finding, decision making and problem solving in nursing education
  9. Improving knowledge with the practical purpose in clinic
  10. Educational evaluation in nursing
  11. Competency in nursing education
  12. Instructor training in nursing education
  13. Ethics in nursing education
  14. Evidence-Based Practice

Topic URL in Journal of Nursing Education website:
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