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:: Volume 2, Issue 4 (Winter 2014) ::
3 JNE 2014, 2(4): 63-71 Back to browse issues page
Determination of the reliability and validity of the Persian version of nurses’ self-concept questionnaire (NSCQ)
Z Badiyepeymaye Jahromi , S Keshavarzi , I Jahanbin
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences , skeshavarz@sums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (16442 Views)
Introduction: Professional self-concept of nurses is as information and ideas that nurses have about their roles, values and behaviors. For better understanding of nurses and solve the crisis of nursing, there is a need to develop specific instrument for measuring Professional self-concept of Nurses. NSCQ (Nurse Self-Concept Questionnaire) which has been developed by Cowin is used to evaluate the professional self-concept of nurses. The present study aimed to determine the reliability and validity of the Persian version of this questionnaire and prepare it as an instrument for evaluating the professional self-concept of the Iranian nurses. Method: In this cross sectional-analytic study of psychometric and validation of testing 200 nurses working at Jahrom University of Medical Sciences based on census method, completed the professional self-concept questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined using split-half as well as Cronbach's alpha coefficients, exploratory factor analysis, and inter-item reliability and Spearma Brown correlation coefficient. Results: Spearman Brown correlation coefficient and Cronbach's alpha were 0.84 and 0.97, respectively. Exploratory factor analysis through principle components method and equamax rotation demonstrated that the questionnaire contained six elements, including nursing self-esteem, communication, leadership, knowledge, care, and staff relations. These elements clarify more than 76.63% of the total variance. Inter-item reliability of the questionnaire subscales was also confirmed. These coefficients ranged from 0.41 to 0.75 and were all significant. Conclusion: In conclusion, the questionnaire of nursing professional self-concept of Cowin could be used as a valid and reliable instrument for evaluating the Iranian nurses' professional self-concept. Considering greater sample size and different groups of people are suggested in future research.
Keywords: Questionnaire, self-concept, nursing, validity, reliability
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Type of Study: Quantitative-Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/06/3 | Accepted: 2014/06/22 | Published: 2014/06/22
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Badiyepeymaye Jahromi Z, Keshavarzi S, Jahanbin I. Determination of the reliability and validity of the Persian version of nurses’ self-concept questionnaire (NSCQ). 3 JNE 2014; 2 (4) :63-71
URL: http://jne.ir/article-1-275-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (Winter 2014) Back to browse issues page
نشریه آموزش پرستاری Journal of Nursing Education
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