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:: Volume 4, Issue 4 (winter 2016) ::
3 JNE 2016, 4(4): 40-51 Back to browse issues page
Structural Model of the Relationship between Social Capital and Organizational Culture Based on the Nurses Viewpoints
M Kazemi , H Ebrahimkhani
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, International Campus, Mashhad, Iran , Hamed.ebrahimkhani@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (9650 Views)
Introduction: Given the role of culture in improving the quality of health care, attention to the factors involved are quite important. The social capital is considered as one of the variables that have an influences on the organizational culture and facilitates the individuals’ certain interactions within the structure. The aim of this article is to study the role of social capital in the organization culture from the viewpoint of nursing staff. Methods: This was a descriptive-correlation study. Participants were 200 employed nurses in different departments of Zanjan Hospitals. Stratified random sampling method was used for sampling. The inclusion criteria were having a bachelor’s degree or higher, and employment for 6 months or more. The data collection tool was organizational culture and social capital questionnaires. Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling in Spss and LISREL were used for data analysis. Results: The findings of this research indicate that social capital with the coefficient of 0.76 and the amount of 11.63 t was correlated with organizational culture. In addition, social capital by a standardized coefficient of 0.585 on the consistency culture, and by a standardized coefficient of 0.463 on the responsibility culture, and by a standardized coefficient of 0.789 on the participatory culture, by a standardized coefficient of 0.567 on the adaptability culture will have a significant relationship. Also, the RMSE of 0.003, GFI is 0.92 and the degree of freedom ratio less than 1 indicates that the model is a good fit. Conclusion: Regarding the relationship between social capital and organizational culture among nurses, nurse managers could improve one of them, in particular social capital, that resulted to promote organizational nursing behaviors. In this context, the creation of working groups, delegating authority to nurses and better communication with them can play a great role in the growth of social capital and organizational culture.
Keywords: Social capital, Organizational culture, Nurse
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Type of Study: Quantitative-Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/01/4 | Accepted: 2016/01/11 | Published: 2016/01/11
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Kazemi M, Ebrahimkhani H. Structural Model of the Relationship between Social Capital and Organizational Culture Based on the Nurses Viewpoints. 3 JNE 2016; 4 (4) :40-51
URL: http://jne.ir/article-1-564-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 4 (winter 2016) Back to browse issues page
نشریه آموزش پرستاری Journal of Nursing Education
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